Retrieve CITY instructions


This API allows you to always retrieve the active, possible instructions for your company/customer number.


Below is the structure used as input, including an illustrative example and more information for each field.
You may choose whether to send the data to us via JSON or XML

Level/Field Mandatory Example Description
1 verwerking * INSTRUCTIES A summary of all possible instructions for your customer number is retrieved.-
1 gebruiker * Email address on which the API account was defined.
Max 250 characters
1 klantnr * 1234 This is the customer number at ON TIME Logistics. numeric, without preceding zeroes
1 apipswd * c40b0c360f3d4959b53b103b25759542 Password of the API account
1 omgeving * TEST TEST = TEST environment
LIVE = LIVE environment

JSON example


XML example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Below is the structure used as output, including an illustrative example and more information for each field.
If you sent with JSON, you will receive JSON, idem with XML

Level/Field Example Description
1 status SUCCESS  
1 remarks
2 remark Er werd 1 instructies gevonden Informative comments
1 instructies
2 instructie
3 oms AFGEVEN ATTEST / CERTIFICAAT The instruction
3 schip 0 1= The vessel field is mandatory
0 = Not mandatory
3 haven 0 1=Mandatory
0=Not mandatory
3 contbl 0 1=Mandatory
0=Not mandatory
Level/Field Example Description
1 status ERROR  
1 remarks
2 remark foutieve credentials List of errors found

JSON response at SUCCESS

JSON response to ERROR


XML response at SUCCESS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <remark>er werden 2 intructies gevonden</remark>
            <oms>AFGEVEN ATTEST / CERTIFICAAT</oms>
            <oms>AFGEVEN BL</oms>
XML response to ERROR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <remark>foutieve credentials</remark>

Through this function, you can try out any JSON or XML input.
ATTENTION : This function is ALWAYS performed in the TEST environment

Your INPUT string
The result/response: